Social Sustainability Data Observatory

Social Sustainability Data Observatory

Social Sustainability Data Observatory


Social Sustainability Data Observatory

Sustainability is “meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Our data observatory aims to develop indicators that help companies, organizations and policymakers track that humans, now and in the future, have what they need within the limits of the ecological constraints of our world. We aim to provide high-quality KPIs, business and policy indicators to control and monitor alignment with the Social Economy Action Plan, the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan and Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 within the European Union, along with the social aspects of the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.

Download my resumé.

  • Social Economy
  • Social Rights
  • Gender Equality


Automated Data Services

[Data](/services/data-curation/) [Curation](/services/data-curation/)Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
[Professional Data Processing](/data/open-gov/#is-there-value-left-in-open-data)Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
Professional Data Processing
Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
[Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks](/services/metadata/)Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks
Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
[Data-as-Service](/services/data-as-service/)Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.

Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.
Data Curation
We create high value key business and policy evaluation indicators. Scientific proofs require the combination of correctly matching, formatting, and verifying controlled pieces of data. Our data comes from verified and legal sources, with information about use rights and a complete history. You can always take a look at the processing code, too. We do not deal in blood diamonds.
Data Curation
Data Processing
We create high value key business and policy evaluation indicators. Scientific proofs require the combination of correctly matching, formatting, and verifying controlled pieces of data. Our data comes from verified and legal sources, with information about use rights and a complete history. You can always take a look at the processing code, too. We do not deal in blood diamonds.
Data Processing
We provide our clients with simple datasets, databases, harmonized survey data, and various other rich data applications; we provide them with continuous access to high-quality, re-processed, re-usable public sector and scientific data.









data curators


James Edwards, PhD

Curator for innovative survey data

Tile von Damm

Curator for participatory and co-creational governance



Daniel Antal

Data Scientist & Founder of the Digital Music Observatory

institutional partners



Project management, social sustainability indicators.



Big data for all



rOpenGov network



Scientific parnter, economics, statistiscs, finance


Neural Networks and Deep Learning
See certificate
Formulated informed blockchain models, hypotheses, and use cases.
See certificate
Object-Oriented Programming in R
See certificate

Open-Source Software

Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages

We believe that transparency is the key to the highest data quality. We use only open source software. We open up the critical elements of our software for peer-review.

  • We use open-source software, there is no vendor lock-in.

  • Our data products go through many, automated (unit) tests, replacing countless error-prone human validation working hours.

  • The critical elements of our code go through external validation and peer-review by computational statisticians and data scientists.

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